There is a 0.8 cubic decimeter shot put with a weight of 6.24 kg. Is it made of lead?

There is a 0.8 cubic decimeter shot put with a weight of 6.24 kg. Is it made of lead?

According to the formula density = mass / volume, the density of the ball is 7.8g/cm & sup3; which is less than the density of lead 11.34g/cm & sup3; so the ball is not entirely made of lead. It may be hollow or other metal material (solid)
PS: your unit upstairs is wrong

The volume is 30 cubic centimeter shot, the mass is 27 grams, this shot is hollow or solid? Above please use three methods to find. Urgent! Please in the

Bonus points!
First, the density x volume = weight, compared with the weight, we can get whether it is hollow or not
Second, mass divided by density = volume,
Third, mass divided by volume = assumed density, contrast density, we can draw a conclusion

A 50cm3 aluminum ball has a mass of 54G. Is the aluminum ball hollow or solid? If it is hollow, what is the volume of the hollow part? (ρ al = 2.7 × 103kg / m3)

∵ρ = MV ∵ the volume of aluminum: V aluminum = m ρ = 54g2.7g/cm3 = 20cm3 < 50cm3, so the ball is hollow; the volume of the hollow part V air = V-V aluminum = 50cm3-20cm3 = 30cm3. A: the aluminum ball is hollow; the volume of the hollow part is 30cm3