The exact size of 1-15 inches in the photo is converted into centimeter

The exact size of 1-15 inches in the photo is converted into centimeter

01 inch 01 * 1.5 2.6 * 3.802 inch 3 * 402 inch 3.5 * 4.502 inch 1.5 * 2 3.8 * 5.303 inch 2 * 3 5.1 * 7.605 inch 3.5 * 5 8.9 * 12.706 Inch 4 * 6 10.2 * 15.207 inch 5 * 7 12.7 * 17.808 inch 6 * 8 15.2 * 20.310 inch 8 * 10 20.3 * 25.412 inch 10 * 12