How to convert one kilowatt hour into international unit?

How to convert one kilowatt hour into international unit?

Degree is commonly known as kilowatt hour, which is the unit of electric energy, and kilowatt is the unit of electric power. The relationship between the two is: 1 kilowatt hour of electric energy consumed by 1 kilowatt electric equipment in 1 hour is 1 degree. 1 degree = 1 kilowatt hour
How much heat is a kilowatt hour of electricity
1 kwh = 1kW. H = 3.6 * 10 ^ 6 joules = 3600000 joules of heat

How many square meters can 628 square centimeters be converted into

628 square meters

From meter to centimeter, from square meter to square centimeter

1 meter = 1 decimeter = 100 cm, 1 square meter = 10 ^ 2 square decimeter = 100 square decimeter, 100 ^ 2 square centimeter = 10000 square centimeter