How many meters is seven feet

How many meters is seven feet

One meter is equal to three feet, and seven feet is equal to 2.33 meters. However, the ancient ruler is shorter than the present one. That's why the saying "seven feet man" appears

1 square foot = how many square feet

1 Zhang = 10 feet, 1 square Zhang = (10) ^ 2 square feet = 100 square feet

Calligraphy and painting: how to convert square feet and centimeters?
For example, a painting is 68 cm long and 40 cm wide. How many flat feet is it? How to convert it?

One square foot is actually 33.3cm × 33.3cm, which is 1108.89 square centimeter per square foot. If we calculate the example of the owner of the building, it should be 68 × 40 / 1108.89, then the painting should be about 2.45 square feet. The purpose is to divide the product of the length and width of the painting by the size of the fixed square foot 1108.89