The volume of a cuboid timber is 0.24 cubic meters. It is known that the timber is 6 decimeters wide and 4 decimeters thick. How long is the timber?

The volume of a cuboid timber is 0.24 cubic meters. It is known that the timber is 6 decimeters wide and 4 decimeters thick. How long is the timber?

6 decimeters = 0.6 meters, 4 decimeters = 0.4 meters
Length of wood = volume (width × thickness)
=1 meter

The Tiji of a cuboid wood is 0.36 cubic meters. It is known that the width of the wood is 2.5 decimeters and the thickness is 2 decimeters. What is the length of the wood?
A cuboid wood, the volume is 0.36 cubic meters. Known wood 2.5 decimeters wide, 2 decimeters thick, then how long is the wood?

0.36 m3 = 360 cubic decimeter
The length of wood is 72 decimeters

A cuboid wood, its cross-sectional area is 0.2 square meters, 5 meters long, the volume of this wood is how many cubic meters?

The volume is the cross-sectional area X length = 0.2x5 = 1m3