The bottom radius of a section of cylindrical wood is 20 cm and the height is 2 M. how much has the surface area increased by sawing this section of wood from the middle into two sample size columns?

The bottom radius of a section of cylindrical wood is 20 cm and the height is 2 M. how much has the surface area increased by sawing this section of wood from the middle into two sample size columns?

20 cm = 0.2 m, 3.14 × 0.22 × 2, = 3.14 × 0.04 × 2, = 0.2512 (M2). A: the surface area has increased by 0.2512 m2

There is a 180cm long cylindrical wood with a bottom radius of 20cm. After sawing it into three identical small cylinders, how much does the surface area increase?

20 * 20 * 3.14 = 1256, this is one of his bottom areas. After cutting, add four bottom areas, 1256 * 4 = 5024cm square
The result is 5024

The bottom radius of a section of cylindrical wood is 20 cm and the height is 2 M. how much has the surface area increased by sawing this section of wood from the middle into two sample size columns?

20 cm = 0.2 m, 3.14 × 0.22 × 2, = 3.14 × 0.04 × 2, = 0.2512 (M2). A: the surface area has increased by 0.2512 m2