How many cubic meters is 3.8 meters in diameter and one meter in height

How many cubic meters is 3.8 meters in diameter and one meter in height

Find the weight of the wood. The wood is 43 minutes in length, 16 minutes in diameter and 10 kg in weight. If the wood is 2 meters in length and 40 minutes in diameter, how many kg is the weight

The weight of wood can be calculated according to this formula: mass = density x volume, or multiple relation
2 m = 20 decimeters
Original wood volume: 3.14 x (16 △ 2) &# 178; X 43 = 8641.28 (cubic decimeter)
Now the volume of wood: 3.14 x (40 △ 2) & # 178; x 20 = 25120 (cubic decimeter)
25120 ÷ 8641.28 = 2.9
Now the volume of wood is 2.9 times of the original, so the mass is 2.9 times of the original
So now the mass of wood is 10 x 2.9 = 29 (kg)

Calculate the weight of wood! The diameter is 7 cm, the length of 2.6 meters formula is OK

The density of wood is 0.2 kg / cubic decimeter
7 cm = 0.7 decimeter
2.6 m = 26 decimeters
=0.2 × 10.009 cubic decimeter
About 2kg