A 2-meter-long cylindrical timber with a cross-section radius of 10 cm is sawed vertically along the diameter of the cross-section and divided into two equal blocks. What is the volume and surface area of each block?

A 2-meter-long cylindrical timber with a cross-section radius of 10 cm is sawed vertically along the diameter of the cross-section and divided into two equal blocks. What is the volume and surface area of each block?

The volume of the original round wood = (10cm) & sup2; × 3.14 × 200cm = 62800cm & sup3; the volume of each block after cutting = 62800cm & sup3; △ 2 = 31400cm & sup3; after cutting, two rectangular surfaces are added, 200 cm long and 20 cm wide. The surface area of each block = (20cm × 3.14 × 200cm + 10 & sup2

The diameter of a meter long small head is 16. How many pieces is a meter of wood

Brother, can you make it clear that the Chinese teacher is looking for you tonight. If the unit of 16 is centimeter, it needs 39.06, it needs 1 cubic meter. If it is millimeter, it needs 3906, if it is millimeter, it will be gone

How many pieces of wood 2.4 meters long and 4 cm thick have 1 cubic meter?

How do you calculate if you don't give the width?
Assuming that the width and thickness are the same, then: 1 cubic meter (length 2.4m × width 0.04m × thickness 0.04m) = 1 △ 0.00384 ≈ 260 (strips)
In fact, you can draw the correct conclusion by bringing the width of the wooden strip into the above formula, which is very easy to calculate