Is the progression rate between two adjacent length units 10 () right or wrong? Judgment: 1. A piece of sugar weighs about 2G. Is there 2G sugar? It's too light 2. The rate of advance between two adjacent length units is 10 () --- meters and kilometers are also adjacent. This is very tangled

Is the progression rate between two adjacent length units 10 () right or wrong? Judgment: 1. A piece of sugar weighs about 2G. Is there 2G sugar? It's too light 2. The rate of advance between two adjacent length units is 10 () --- meters and kilometers are also adjacent. This is very tangled

1. A piece of sugar weighs about 2g (√) ---- --- do you have 2G sugar? It's too light
2. The rate of advance between two adjacent length units is 10 (x) ---- meters and kilometers are also adjacent. This is very tangled

The traditional length units in China are: Li Zhang Chi, etc. it is known that 1 km = 1000 meters, 1 meter = 3 feet, 1 Zhang = 10 feet. Please calculate: how many feet is 1 km equal to?

1 km (km) = 300 Zhang

How many miles is a kilometer

1 km = 0.6213 miles