Why is the position of Polaris almost the same from earth What kind of stars does Polaris belong to Doesn't Polaris move? The earth is moving

Why is the position of Polaris almost the same from earth What kind of stars does Polaris belong to Doesn't Polaris move? The earth is moving

Polaris is a star
Because the north pole of the earth's rotation axis almost points to Polaris, Polaris is always at the north celestial pole when the earth rotates, and its position is not affected by rotation and revolution
But it's not forever

Light years______ The distance between Polaris and earth is about 44 light-years, and the time it takes for the light from Polaris to reach the earth is about 40______ .

Light year is the distance that light passes through in a year. It is a unit of length. Polaris is about 44 light years away from the earth. It takes about 44 years for light from Polaris to reach the earth

The monkey king can turn 108 thousand miles in one somersault, that is, 5.4 times 10 ^ 4km. Vega is about 24.51 light years away from the earth. How many somersaults does the monkey king have to turn to reach vega
If the monkey king turns a somersault every second, how many years does it take him to reach Vega 365 days a year? The calculated speed of light is 3 × 10 5 km / s

One year = 365 * 24 * 3600 = 3153600 seconds
One light year = 3153600 * 3 × 10 ^ 5 = 946.08 × 10 ^ 7 km
24.51 light year = 946.08 * 24.51 = 23188.42 × 10 ^ 7km
23188.42 × 10 ^ 7 / 5.4 × 10 ^ 4 = 4294.152 × 10 ^ 3 = 4294152 somersaults
4294152 / 3600 / 24 / 365 = 0.136166666... ≈ 0.14 years