If the two bulbs of "220 V & nbsp; 25W" and "220 V & nbsp; 40W" are connected in parallel to the 220 V circuit first, and then connected in series to the same circuit, then () A. The total power consumption of two lamps connected in parallel is greater than that in series D. the total power consumption of two lamps connected in series is greater than that in parallel

If the two bulbs of "220 V & nbsp; 25W" and "220 V & nbsp; 40W" are connected in parallel to the 220 V circuit first, and then connected in series to the same circuit, then () A. The total power consumption of two lamps connected in parallel is greater than that in series D. the total power consumption of two lamps connected in series is greater than that in parallel

According to the formula P = u2r, the larger the circuit resistance is, the smaller the power consumption is, and the total resistance in parallel is less than that in series, so the total power consumed in parallel is greater than that in series, so C is correct and D is wrong. So select C

Energy chapter
A 500g aluminum pot contains 2kg of water. How much heat should it take to heat them from 15 ℃ to 95 ℃?

Q al = c al m Δ t = 0.88 × 10 & # 179; J / (kg ·℃) × 0.5kg × (95 ℃ - 15 ℃) = 3.52 × 10 & # 8308; JQ water = C water m Δ t = 4.2 × 10 & # 179; J / (kg ·℃) × 2kg × (95 ℃ - 15 ℃) = 67.2 × 10 & # 8308; JQ = q Al + Q water = 3.52 × 10 & # 8308; j + 67.2 × 10 & # 8308; J = 7

1. How does the internal energy of the spacecraft change when it decelerates and lands? Is it larger or smaller or unchanged?
2. How does energy transform or transfer when a glass of water cools down?

The problem is very simple: 1. Increase of internal energy
2. Heat (energy) is transferred to the air
I took a look at the above answer. Xty654321 is not comprehensive ♂ People are not right at all