Is a blessing in disguise a good thing or a bad thing

Is a blessing in disguise a good thing or a bad thing

On the other hand, it's a bad thing for Saiweng to lose his horse because he lost it

What is the practical significance of illustrating the direction of energy transfer and transformation

The transfer of energy has directionality. For example, the heat energy can only be spontaneously transferred from the high-temperature object to the low-temperature object, so that the energy can be recycled or the high-temperature object can be used to heat the low-temperature object. However, the conversion of energy does not have directionality, but the conversion of energy can convert one kind of energy into another to achieve our utilization, such as the conversion of solar energy into electric energy You can stay in Tibet and so on

Please give an example to show that there is a certain direction for the transformation and transmission of energy

It's from junior high school. It's in books
For example: electric lamps convert electric energy into light energy and generate internal energy to dissipate into the air, but these light energy cannot be converted into electric energy again
In the process of automobile braking, its kinetic energy is converted into the internal energy of ground, tire and air, which can not be converted into mechanical energy to drive the automobile
This is also the reason why perpetual motion machine can not be developed successfully