Please give examples of inertia in daily life and explain it

Please give examples of inertia in daily life and explain it

[example 1] when braking, the upper part of the passenger's body will lean forward; when the car is braking, due to inertia, the upper part of the passenger's body will remain in the original motion state, but the feet will stop moving with the car, so the upper part of the passenger's body will lean forward. [example 2] when the car is starting, the upper part of the passenger's body will lean back; when the car is at rest, when the car is starting

In daily life, please give an example to show that molecules are in constant motion

When wet clothes are dried in the sun, they will become dry because the water molecules on the clothes keep moving into the air,
If you add some salt when cooking, the dish will be salty. If you add some salt when cooking, the salt molecules will move into the dish. When cooking, the temperature is high and the molecular movement intensifies, so the dish becomes salty, which is the result of the irregular movement of salt molecules,
The perfume bottle can smell the fragrance when it opens. This is the fragrance of perfume diffusing into the air. The diffusion indicates that the molecule keeps moving irregularly.

Everyday life examples of proving that the earth is round

1. The sea level is curved
2. Climbing high and looking far
3. At the same time, different places see different stars
4. When a ship sails, it seems that the hull disappears at sea level before the mast
5. Magellan sailed, traveled around the earth and so on
6. The black edge of the eclipse is curved