Is there any chemical reaction of heat change? I want an example

Is there any chemical reaction of heat change? I want an example

Any chemical reaction is accompanied by the change of energy

When making breakfast, Zhang Hong found that under the same circumstances, it takes different time to boil a pot of milk and soybean milk of the same quality. Why? Please use your physics knowledge, put forward a conjecture according to the reason, and briefly describe the way to verify this conjecture. (1) your conjecture is:______ (2) the way to verify the conjecture is as follows______ .

According to the formula Q absorption = cm (t-t0), when different substances with the same mass and rising temperature have different specific heat capacity, the heat absorption will be different

A physics experiment
Design a variety of programs to make a balloon sound, and find out the reason
A: blow into the balloon, let it blow up, make it sound
When the balloon vibrated, the sound around it was blowing
I would like to ask, does not this make the air vibrate and make a sound? Is it not in line with the meaning of the question?

The balloon will explode because the air inside is not balanced with the air outside. When it is blown, the sound is made by the air vibration