There are three prime numbers. The sum of the three of them is 18. The product of the three of them is 78. What are they?

There are three prime numbers. The sum of the three of them is 18. The product of the three of them is 78. What are they?

78 = 2 × 3 × 13
And 2 + 3 + 13 = 18
So they are 2, 3, 13

The sum of three prime numbers composed of five different numbers is 78. What is the minimum product of these three prime numbers?

The sum of three prime numbers is even, one of them must be 2, and the sum of the remaining two prime numbers is 76. When the sum is fixed, the greater the difference between the two numbers, the smallest their product. Try to get 17,59

1001 is the product of which three prime numbers

Because the product of these three prime numbers is 1001, we can find out which three prime numbers are by removing 1001 from prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 and 31
So these three prime numbers are 7, 11 and 13

The product of three prime numbers is 1001. What is the smallest of the three?

So the smallest of the three numbers is 7

The product of three prime numbers is 1001. What are these three numbers and why do they answer this way?
I'm in the fifth grade of primary school. Please be simple!!!

You can decompose 1001 into prime factor

There are three prime numbers whose product is 1001. What are the three numbers?

First, 1001 = 7 * 11 * 13
So the three prime numbers are 7, 11 and 13 respectively
Bring in check

Given that the natural number a has two divisors, how many divisors does 3A have?

According to the analysis, 3A has four divisors: 1, 3, a and 3a

Given that a (natural number) has three divisors, how many divisors does 4A have

A (natural number) has three divisors
Then let the three divisors be 1, a and B
If B is not 2, then a is not 4, then 4A has 9 divisors: 1, a, B, 2, 4, 2a, 4a, 2b, 4b
If B is 2, then a is 4, then 4A has five divisors: 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16

Given that the natural number a has two divisors, how many divisors does 5A have?

Natural numbers with two divisors can only be prime numbers. Divisors are 1 and itself
1) If a is 5, then 5A = 25, it has three divisors 1,5,25
2) If a is not 5, then 5A has four divisors: 1, 5, a, 5A
So: there may be three or four divisors of 5A

Given that the natural number a has two divisors, how many divisors does 5A have?

Given that the natural number a has two divisors, then 5A has three or four divisors
The natural number a has at least two divisors 1 and a
If a has only two divisors, then a is prime
So 5A has a divisor of 15 a 5A
If a = 5, there are only three divisors 1 5 25
If a ≠ 5, then there are four divisors