If the least common multiple of two prime numbers is 21, then the two prime numbers are () and (), respectively

If the least common multiple of two prime numbers is 21, then the two prime numbers are () and (), respectively

3 7

1, 10, 12, 25, 37, 54, 102, 417, 23, 398

The form is as follows:

If a number is both a factor of 21 and a multiple of 21, then what is the number? Write it in the form of adding two prime numbers, () + () = ()


The sum of two prime numbers is () and ()
A number is not only a factor of 18, but also a multiple of 18. This number is 18. Write it as the sum of two prime numbers in the form of () or ().


Write 14 as the sum of two prime numbers

Write 14 as the sum of two prime numbers in the form of 3 + 11
Write 14 as the sum of two prime numbers in the form of 7 + 7
Hope can help you, if satisfied please adopt, thank you

Fill in the following brackets with the appropriate prime number 38 = () + ()

38=( 7)+( 31)

32 = () + () = () + () = () + () prime

1+31 3+29 13+19

Prime numbers within 30 are______ .

Prime numbers within 30 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29. So the answer is: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29

Divide 30 into the sum of two prime numbers
At least 4

1 is not a prime number

Prime sums within 30