The product of two different prime numbers whose sum is 52 is the largest () and the smallest ()

The product of two different prime numbers whose sum is 52 is the largest () and the smallest ()

The product of two different prime numbers whose sum is 52 is the largest (23,29) and the smallest (5,47)

The sum of two prime numbers is 1995. What is the product of these two prime numbers?

Because the sum of two prime numbers is odd, one prime number must be odd and the other even. Because 2 is the only even prime number, the other prime number is 1993, so their product is 2 × 1993 = 3986

The product of the two prime numbers is 35. The two prime numbers are () and (), respectively

The answer is that prime numbers 5 and 7 can't be separated. Composite numbers can be divided into prime numbers 000. One is neither composite nor prime numbers