The sum of the two prime numbers a and B is 2001. What is the product of the two prime numbers?

The sum of the two prime numbers a and B is 2001. What is the product of the two prime numbers?

The sum of two prime numbers a and B is 2001, which is odd
They must be an odd number and an even number
Even numbers, only 2 is prime, so two numbers, one is 1999, the other is 2
Their product = 1999 × 2 = 3998

The product of two prime numbers is 94. What is the sum of them

So these two numbers are two and 47
The sum is: 2 + 47 = 49

Given that the product of two prime numbers is 94, what are the two prime numbers?
Two prime numbers, not sum!

A: 2 and 47