What do you find from 12345679x9 = 11111111112345679x18 = 222222222 12345679x27 = 33333333312345679x36 = 44444

What do you find from 12345679x9 = 11111111112345679x18 = 222222222 12345679x27 = 33333333312345679x36 = 44444

123456789 * 9 * n = 1111111101 * n, you see your number is wrong, 12345679x9 = 1111111101

What is 89 times 35 out of 88?

=35 and 35 / 88

What is 35 + 89?

35 + 89 is equal to 124. Add from right to left, 5 + 9 is equal to 14, one digit is 4.3 + 8 is equal to 11, and the next digit is 12, so the result is 124

C & # 178; = AB is a, C, B into a proportional sequence of what conditions

Necessary and insufficient conditions

C & # 178; = AB is a, B, C, what is the condition of proportional sequence

The sufficient and unnecessary conditions are given by C & # 178; ≡ ab
If we can get C: a = B: C, then it is a sufficient condition. When we form an equal ratio sequence, we can have not only C & # 178; = AB, but also B & # 178; = AC and so on, so it is unnecessary

In △ ABC, a, B and C are the pairs of angles a, B and C respectively. It is known that a, B and C are equal ratio sequence, and a & # 178; - C & # 178; = AB AC
1. Find the size of angle C. 2. Find the value range of a + B / C

Let z = (a + b) / C = (Sina + SINB) / sinc
It seems difficult to find the range of Z

In a triangle, a, B, C is an equal ratio sequence, and the quadratic power of a minus the quadratic power of C is equal to the AC bc angle a

When the common ratio is 1, a = 60. When the common ratio is not 1, according to the cosine theorem, because B = AC, a-c = ac-bc
So, a = B + C - BC, so 2cosa = 1, a = 60, a = 60

Given that a B C belongs to R and B is less than 0, then "the square of B = AC" is the ()

If it is known that a B C belongs to R and B is less than 0, then "the square of B = AC" is "a B C is an equal ratio sequence" (a necessary and sufficient condition)

a. What is the condition of B ^ 2 = AC (AC > 0) when B and C are equal

a. If B and C are in equal proportion sequence, we can get B ^ 2 = AC
From B ^ 2 = AC, (AC > 0), that is, a, B, C are not equal to 0, we can also get a, B, C are equal ratio sequence
Therefore, the ratio of a, B and C is a necessary and sufficient condition for B ^ 2 = AC (AC > 0)

What is the condition that the real number ABC is an equal ratio sequence B = AC

Sufficient and unnecessary conditions
B * b = AC can be obtained from the equal ratio sequence
But a = b = C = 0 also conforms to b * b = AC
But it's not an equal ratio sequence
So it's not necessary