Five out of two storybooks were distributed in grade five, 30 more in grade six and 9 out of one in the remaining. How many books did you donate?

Five out of two storybooks were distributed in grade five, 30 more in grade six and 9 out of one in the remaining. How many books did you donate?

If you say that the title is two fifths of the storybooks in grade five, 30 more in grade six and the remaining one in nine, how many copies have you donated?
The fifth grade is two fifths x, and the sixth grade is X
X - two fifths x = 30
Three fifths x = 30 divided by three fifths
X = 30 times five thirds
50 divided by 1 / 9 = 50 times 9 / 1 = 450
My first day of junior high school, I haven't done this kind of problem for a long time. I hope I can correct it

A batch of storybooks will be distributed to the grade and other grades according to the ratio of 3:5. As a result, the number of storybooks distributed to the sixth grade accounts for 45% of the whole school, which is higher than that of the other grades
The plan has issued 18 more books. How many storybooks does the school plan to issue?

The school is going to distribute a number of story books, which are planned to be distributed to the sixth grade and other grades according to the tree ratio of 3:5. As a result, the books distributed in the sixth grade account for 45% of the whole school, 18 more than the plan. How many story books does the school plan to distribute? First, we need to

(1 / 6 + 1 / 9-1 / 12) × 36

I love Huoying and the fourth generation,

If a is not equal to B, compare the size of a * a + b * B with ab

Look at the size: if AB is greater than 0 at the same time, then the above formula is greater than 0, then the front one is greater than 0;
If AB is less than 0 at the same time, the front is large; if AB is positive and negative, then the last formula shows that the front is large. Therefore, the front is large
To judge the size, you can subtract or divide. If the subtraction is greater than 0 or the division is greater than 1, the number in front is large

Given that ab > 0 and a is not equal to B, try to compare the size of & sup3; √ a - & sup3; √ B and & sup3; √ a-b

Suppose M & sup3 = a, n & sup3 = B, m ≠ n, Mn > 0. Then & sup3 √ a = m, & sup3 √ B = n; & sup3 √ (a-b) = & sup3 √ (M & sup3-n & sup3) = & sup3 √ [(m-n) & sup3-3mn (m-n)] it is obvious that a > B > 0 can be assumed

If a > B > 0, m > n > 0, then the relationship between a / B, B / A, (B + m) / (a + m), (a + n) / (B + n) is?
Please write down the key steps

I simply set the above four formulas as ①, ②, ④
First of all, it is obvious that ① > ②
In fact, we can get the denominator of (a + m) (a + n) and the numerator of (B + m) (B + n) from (3 / 4)
And then the big one is bigger than the big one, and the small one is smaller than the small one
① Compared with (4), the denominator is B (B + n) and the molecule is an BN. The formula is obviously more than 0,
Therefore, ① > ④
In the same way, it can be concluded that ③ > ②

If M > n > 0, a > 0, and a ≠ 1, try to compare the size of a ^ m + A ^ - M and a ^ n + A ^ - n
There is no clue around

Let m = 2, n = 1, a = 2, the former = 4 + 1 / 4, the latter = 2 + 1 / 2
Maybe there are cases where Mn is less than 1. Haha, it should be good to try

It is known that a, B and C are not equal to 0, and the maximum value of | a | + B | B | + C | C |, is m, and the minimum value is n
It is known that a, B and C are not equal to 0, and the maximum value of | a | + B | B | + C | C |, is m, and the minimum value is n. find the value of 1006-n + 1 in 2009 + M
Only 30 minutes, in this 30 minutes to answer fast, accurate, there will be rewards!

When a, B and C are all positive numbers, the maximum value of | a | + B | + C |, M = 3,
When a, B and C are all negative, the minimum value is n = - 3,
2009 + 1006 / M-N + 1 / 1

It is known that a, B and C are not equal to 0, and the maximum value of a / | a | + B / | B | + C / | C |, is m, and the minimum value is n. find the value of M / n

a. B and C have three numbers. The absolute values of a, B and C are all equal to itself. If we add ourselves, we are equal to three. So m is equal to 3 and N is equal to 3

Known greater than N, and m, n are non-zero natural numbers, a = n of M, B = n plus 1 of m plus 1. Who is bigger, who is smaller, and why
Ask God for help

Because a = m / N, B = m + 1 / N + 1, if their difference is greater than 0, then a > b; if their difference is less than 0, then a < B; if their difference is equal to 0, then a = B; A-B = (M / N) - (M + 1 / N + 1) general division; = m (n + 1) / N (n + 1) - n (M + 1) / N (n + 1) denominator is n (n + 1) molecule is