The order of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 does not change. The result is equal to 10 plus, minus, good and divide Addition, subtraction, obedience and division cannot be used repeatedly

The order of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 does not change. The result is equal to 10 plus, minus, good and divide Addition, subtraction, obedience and division cannot be used repeatedly

1 minus 2 plus 3 divided by 4 times 5 equals 10
Division is not division

How do 7 and 3 and 12 and negative 3 mix operations equal 24


Is 6 times 13 times 5 equal to 13 times (6 times 5) commutative law of multiplication or associative law of multiplication

There's a swap location,
There is also a combination of the following
So it's both