An acre of 666 square meters, planting apple trees, row spacing of 4 meters, plant spacing of 3 meters, how many trees can be planted in this land, such as urgent online

An acre of 666 square meters, planting apple trees, row spacing of 4 meters, plant spacing of 3 meters, how many trees can be planted in this land, such as urgent online

Up to 72 trees, 12 trees per row, 6 rows

How many apple trees can be planted in a 0.8 hectare land with 5-meter row spacing and 4-meter plant spacing?

The number of trees that can be planted is the total square meter of the plot minus the area of roads and irrigation and drainage systems, and then divided by the square area of plant row spacing
Without subtracting the floor area of roads and irrigation and drainage system, about 400 trees can be planted
You can set roads and irrigation and drainage systems between plants and lines to make the most of the land

One mu of land has 666 square meters. If Eucalyptus is planted, the row spacing is 2.5m and the plant spacing is 2m, how many Eucalyptus can be planted in one mu of land?

Insufficient conditions, no description of the shape of the earth, if an infinitely narrow shape, you can plant infinitely many