How many meters was one foot in ancient times?

How many meters was one foot in ancient times?

I don't know what time you're talking about "Yizhang", because in ancient China, "Yizhang" was not always the same length. Let me tell you the length of "Yizhang" in all dynasties: degree, that is, length, is closely related to life. It has appeared since the beginning of human beings. In the beginning, the cloth finger was inch, the cloth palm was ruler, and the elbow was Zhang, Up to now, the emergence of modern measurement technology, the evolution of ancient measurement system reflects the historical changes
1 foot = 10 inches (1 foot = 24.9 cm) quotient
1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (1 foot = 31.1 cm) weeks
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 19.9 cm)
1 lead = 10 Zhang, 1 Zhang = 10 feet, 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (1 foot = 27.7 cm) Han
1 lead = 10 Zhang, 1 Zhang = 10 feet, 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (1 foot = 27.7 cm) Xinmang; later Han Dynasty
1 lead = 10 Zhang, 1 Zhang = 10 feet, 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (1 foot = 23 cm)
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 24.1cm) Western Jin Dynasty
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 23 cm) Eastern Jin Dynasty
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 24.5 cm)
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 24.5 cm) northern and Southern Dynasties
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 24.5cm; one foot = 29.6cm)
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (early stage: one foot = 29.6cm; later stage: one foot = 23.5cm) Tang Dynasty; Five Dynasties
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (small foot: one foot = 31.1 cm; large foot: one foot = 36 cm)
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 30.7 cm) yuan
1 foot = 10 feet, 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (1 foot = 30.7 cm) Ming
1 foot = 10 feet, 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (tailoring ruler: 1 foot = 34 cm; floor measuring ruler: 1 foot = 32.7 cm; construction ruler: 1 foot = 31.1 cm)
1 foot = 10 feet, 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (tailoring ruler: 1 foot = 35.5cm; floor measuring ruler: 1 foot = 34.5cm; construction ruler: 1 foot = 32cm)
One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches, one inch = 10 minutes (one foot = 33.33 cm)

How many centimeters does an inch equal? What about a foot or a foot? I know. I've won! I want the most accurate one!
As the title!

One inch is 3.33 cm, one foot is 33.33 cm, one foot is 10 feet, one inch is 2.56 cm