How many meters is ancient Yizhang now

How many meters is ancient Yizhang now

Koobeton asked about the conversion of meter to meter in ancient times, not in modern times
In different historical periods, weights and measures are also different. For example, the ancients often looked like "eight feet tall", or "two feet tall". That kind of height is rare. The size of ancient times must be shorter than modern times. That one foot is less than 3.3 meters

How long is it? How long is it

One foot = 10 feet, one foot = 10 inches = 33.3333 cm
Yizhang = 3.3333m

How long is it to change a foot into a centimeter?

In Han Dynasty, one foot equals 23.1 cm, in Wei and Jin Dynasties, 26.7 cm in Sui and Tang Dynasties, and 30.72 cm in song and Yuan Dynasties
Ten feet is one foot
It depends on when you say it's ten feet