Master Wang plans to produce a batch of parts in 30 days. In fact, he produces 60 more parts per day than planned. In this way, he completes the task five days ahead of schedule. How many parts are there?

Master Wang plans to produce a batch of parts in 30 days. In fact, he produces 60 more parts per day than planned. In this way, he completes the task five days ahead of schedule. How many parts are there?

60 × (30-5), = 60 × 25, = 1500 (pieces), 1500 / 5 × 30, = 300 × 30, = 9000 (pieces); a: there are 9000 parts in this batch

Processing a batch of parts, the original plan 15 days, the actual daily to do 30, the result 5 days ahead of schedule to complete, how many parts of this batch?

Let's have a total of X
Then x / (15-5) - X / 15 = 30
So there are 900

A worker originally planned to process a batch of parts within a limited time. If he processes 10 parts per hour, he can overfulfil 3; if he processes 11 parts per hour, he can complete 1 hour in advance. How many parts are there in this batch? How many hours will it take to finish as planned?

The total number of parts is: 10x-3 = 10 × 8-3 = 77. A: there are 77 parts in this batch, which will take 8 hours to complete according to the original plan

A worker originally planned to process a batch of parts within the specified time
If a worker processes 20 parts per hour, he can finish 8 more. If he processes 22 parts per hour, he can finish one hour ahead of time. How many parts are there? How long does it take to finish according to the original plan?

X = 7 hours
Total = 22 * 6 = 132

A worker originally planned to process a batch of parts in a limited time. If 20 parts are processed per hour, 8 parts can be overfulfilled;
If you process 22 parts per hour, you can finish it one hour ahead of time. How many parts are there? How long will it take to finish according to the original plan?
Solution of linear equation with one variable

Answer: set a shared x hours
7 × 20-8 = 132. There are 132 parts in this batch
Original planned time: 7-1 = 6 hours

A worker originally planned to process a batch of parts within a limited time. If he processes 10 parts per hour, he can overfulfil 3; if he processes 11 parts per hour, he can complete 1 hour in advance. How many parts are there in this batch? How many hours will it take to finish as planned?

The total number of parts is: 10x-3 = 10 × 8-3 = 77. A: there are 77 parts in this batch, which will take 8 hours to complete according to the original plan

If a worker has to process a batch of parts within the specified time, if he does 10 parts per hour, he can exceed 3 tasks. If he does 11 parts per hour, he can finish them one hour ahead of time. How to use the equation of one yuan per time
Find the equation in a few hours

Set the task to y, and the total time is set to x hours
Then: 10x = y + 3
Then x = 14

If two workers can process 368 parts in 8 hours, how many parts can five workers process in 10 hours?

368 ﹣ 8 ﹣ 2, = 46 ﹣ 2, = 23 (pieces); 23 × 5 × 10, = 115 × 10, = 1150 (pieces); answer: five workers can process 1150 parts in 10 hours

If five workers process five parts in five hours, one worker processes one part in one hour______ (judge right or wrong)

5 △ 5 △ 5 = 0.2, that is, one worker processes 0.2 per hour

Five workers can process 7500 parts in five days. According to this calculation, how many days does it take seven workers to process 6300 parts?

Count the average
Five workers process 1500 pieces a day (7500 pieces / 5 days)
One worker processes 300 pieces a day (1500 pieces / 5 persons)
7 workers process 2100 pieces a day (300 pieces * 7 persons)
6300 parts need to be processed for 3 days (6300 / 2100)