A math problem is like this: When Xiao Lin typed a manuscript, the ratio of typed to untapped was 5:3. If he typed another 140 words, the ratio of typed to untapped would become 4:1. How many words are there in this manuscript?

A math problem is like this: When Xiao Lin typed a manuscript, the ratio of typed to untapped was 5:3. If he typed another 140 words, the ratio of typed to untapped would become 4:1. How many words are there in this manuscript?

I played 5 / 8 and then 4 / 5
140 words is 4 / 5-5 / 8 of the manuscript
Therefore, the total number of manuscripts is 140 (4 / 5-5 / 8) = 800 words

There's a math problem like this
Of the 1000 numbers, only one is correct. You only have 500 chances to guess. What's the probability of getting the right number


The original question is 1 / 1 * 2 * 3 + 1 / 2 * 3 * 4 +. + 1 / 98 * 99 * 100
