It is known that a goes from a to B and B goes from B to a. the ratio of the walking speed of a and B is 6:5. As shown in the figure, M is the midpoint of ab. there is a point C 26 km away from m and a point D 4 km away from M. anyone who passes through C has to slow down 14 and speed up 14 when passing through D. now a and B start at the same time and arrive at the same time. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

It is known that a goes from a to B and B goes from B to a. the ratio of the walking speed of a and B is 6:5. As shown in the figure, M is the midpoint of ab. there is a point C 26 km away from m and a point D 4 km away from M. anyone who passes through C has to slow down 14 and speed up 14 when passing through D. now a and B start at the same time and arrive at the same time. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

Because m is the midpoint of AB, let de = 22km on MB, then EB = AC, let EB = x, from the meaning of the question, (725 + 215) x + 215 × 22 = (26 + 4) × 2875, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3175x = 5

It is known that a goes from point a to point B, and B goes from point B to point a. the ratio of walking speed between a and B is 6:5. As shown in the figure, M is the midpoint of ab

The value of S is the distance between a and B
I don't know. Keep asking

Mickey Mouse goes from a to B, and Donald Duck goes from B to a. the speed ratio of Mickey Mouse to Donald Duck is 6:5. M is the midpoint of a and B. there is a devil at point C 26 km away from m, who will decelerate by 25%? There is a fairy at point D 4 km away from m, who will accelerate by 25%? Now Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck start and arrive at the same time, what is the distance between a and B?
A[__________ C__ 4km__ M____ 26km____ D______ ]B
A[__________ C__ 4km__ M____ 26km____ D______ ]B
Notice that this is a line diagram~

It's a pity not to ask such an interesting question!
But I don't know whether C and D are on the same side or on both sides. There are two possibilities. How can I fill in this blank?
Let Mickey Mouse's speed be 6V and Donald Duck's speed be 5V
Then (am-26) / 6V + 26 / (6v-6v × 25%) = (bm-4) / 5V + 4 / (5V + 5V × 25%)
Multiply V on both sides of the equation, and substitute am = BM = AB / 2 into the above equation
AB = 77.07 km
I'm sorry. When I calculate, I think the problem is that Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck have reached the midpoint at the same time. Let's start over
The solution is am = BM = 46