関数f(x)=log 2(x+1)+alog 2(1-x)をすでに知っていて、a値を求めて、f(x)の解析式を求めます。 関数f(x)=log 2.(1+x)+alog 2.(1—x)は奇関数を知っています。aの値を求めて、f(x)の解析式

関数f(x)=log 2(x+1)+alog 2(1-x)をすでに知っていて、a値を求めて、f(x)の解析式を求めます。 関数f(x)=log 2.(1+x)+alog 2.(1—x)は奇関数を知っています。aの値を求めて、f(x)の解析式

f(-x)=log 2 1-x+alog 1+x=-f(x)=-log 2 1+x-alog 2 1-x
log 2 1-x+alog 1+x=log 2 1+x-alog 2 1-xだからa/1-x=1-xで接続できます。
f(x)=sinax+coax=2 sin(ax+π4)T=2πa=1であれば、a=2πだからf(x)=2 sin(2πx+π4)令f(x)=0であれば、2πx+π4=0 x=18という対称中心の一つが(-18,ゆえにC.)です。
英語の作文:Making tea
皆さんが通っているお兄さんとお姉さん達、弟さんは「Making tea」という作文を急ぎ必要とします。100単語ぐらい。Series ofactions:boil waterTale out teapt、prepare a leaves、pour boiled water into erapt、steep a moment before drinking
Looks far long cannot see you,your indignation,where fries?In the fog fries,the magination dark night after the county let alone to,do not let me be sad,only then said is not intionalit,I aturam
-Prefatory remarks
The year、coes also in a hurry、wentin ahurry.hasalso carried off section of unforgettable recollection、actually left behind sound sadsorry.meto me calmly to lie prone in front of the window、the eye dull dull look s in front of the window all beautiful、my heart、really thecold.thiskind of feeling was such pain.
Do you,why have like this?Has kept why only a note me,why doesn't corear to tell me?On paper sorry,what also can represent?No,don't I want issorry.leavebehind it、what I really cannotmake.actuallyI want to detain,only is this purefriendsip.notライト?Friendsip this kind of thing、likes cup of cool boilingwater.notto need to add onthe sugar,let us drink has feltjoyful.thereforeI drank have beve been used to the kind of delicacy friends hip green tea、disled these not really actually to have the sweet ste the syrup、the drink、more repugnant coffee.I did not want extyou forineI did not want,I did not need these.
I,a sentimentalガール.ordinaryday、has your this and I melts into with the warm heart in the same place、then makes me feel many somewhat is warm and in theregards.lifeI really cannot lack between us this friends hip.I continuously all to treat as the best friend to regard,therefore,I really need between us this friends hip…
Did you,really too make me bedisappoidセンターd.letalone sorry,what sorry cannot leavebehind.youto me why with me to say not in front of has walked?Facing front is contructing on on the work site rumbiling the sound、my heart、more chaotic.
関数、f(x)=log 2-mx/x-1の画像は原点対称です。
(1)関数f(x)=log 2[(1–mx)/(x–1)]の画像は原点対称に関して、関数f(x)は奇関数で、ドメインが原点対称に関して、f(x)の定義領域を定義する:(1–mx)>(1–mx)(x–1)>(x–1)>0
f(x)=sinax+coax=2 sin(ax+π4)T=2πa=1であれば、a=2πだからf(x)=2 sin(2πx+π4)令f(x)=0であれば、2πx+π4=0 x=18という対称中心の一つが(-18,ゆえにC.)です。
篇のHow to make teaに関しての英語の作文を求めて、10文ぐらい
How to Make Tea
Tea is one of the most popullar drinks all over theworld.Inorder to make a good tea drink、firstly、you must have to make tea pot and tea cups warmed up with hotwater.Inthis way、tea pot and tea cups can have the same temperature as the tea prior to serving thetea.Thenext step of it is to use the right to put tea、like green tea、into the tea pot.Don’t use your hands because the tea will absorb foreignsmall.Thethird one is to put hot water into the teapot.Andthen cover the tea pot and use hot water to warm up thelid.Youjust wait for only a few minutes for the complotion of making teadrink.Inthe next stepyou have to wipe the water around the tea pot with towel pror to pouring the tea into the teacups.Finallypror to pouring tea into tea cups,you can put the tea cups in a line,then pour tea into the tea cups and move tea pot back and forth along tea cups to ensure that the flavor is distrited for each individual teacup.Andrelax and enjoy your delicious cup of tea.
関数f(x)=log 2(x-3)+1/(x+2)をすでに知っています。
x-3>0 x>3
x+2≠0 x≠-2
f(4)=log 2(4-3)+1/(4+2)=0+1/6=1/6
f(7/2)=log 2(7/2-3)+1/(7/2+2)=log 2(1/2)+2/11=-1+2/11=-9/11
関数f(x)=sin 2 x+cos(2 x-π/6)区間[0,π/2]での最大値および対応するx値。
f(x)=sin 2 x+cos 2 xcosπ/6+sinπ/6 sin 2 x
=sin 2 x+cos 2 x*√3/2+1/2 sin 2 x
=3/2 sin 2 x+√3/2 cos 2 x
=√3 sin(2 x+π/6)
π/6≦2 x+π/6≦7π/6
したがって、最大値は2 x+π/6=π/2の場合、x=π/6の場合です。