영어 작문 편지 의 고전 문장 그렇게 자주 쓰 는... 고전적 인 좋 은 구절...

영어 작문 편지 의 고전 문장 그렇게 자주 쓰 는... 고전적 인 좋 은 구절...

I 'm looking forward to healing from you.
Please give my best wishes to your parents.
Please give my best regards to your family.
how are you?
How have you been?
Looking for ward to your early Reply.
Wish you recover soon!
God bless you
Warmest Regards
thank you
have a nice day
good luck
후 보충: (5) 편지 쓰기 에 자주 쓰 이 는 문형
① Thank you for your letter of...
② It is a pleasure for me invite you on be half of...to accept...
③ Thanks so much for your letter, which arrived...
④ I am writeing to you with reference to...
⑤ I am writeing to you in connection with...
⑥ I Would be grateful if you cold / Would...
⑦ I Would like to know some informaration on...
⑧ It will be appereciated if you can / colod...
⑨ I Would also like to know if you can / cold...
⑩ I look for ward to healing from you.
(6) 결말 에 자주 쓰 이 는 문형
① From what has been discussed / ment ioned above, we may conclude that...
② Therefore, it is not difficult to draw / come to the conclusion that...
③ It is high time that something was done about...
④ From all the reasons / consideration above, it is evident / clear / obvious that...
⑤ Taking into acount all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that...
⑥ Given the reasons / consideration I have just outlined / discussed / presented, I strongly recommend that...
⑦ It is clear, threfore, that...
⑧ All in all, what really matters is, in fact, to...
⑨ It is essential that effective measure be taken to...
⑩ From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that...
⑾ In conclusion, the most important is...
⑿ On the whole, it is high time that every one...
⒀ As a result, we should take some effective steps to...
9345, Judging by the figures / statics, it is not difficult to see that...
⒂ Only in this way / in so doing, can be really...