영어 작문 은 늘 구문 이나 문장 을 사용한다.

영어 작문 은 늘 구문 이나 문장 을 사용한다.

1. 흔히 쓰 이 는 글귀, 문형
(1) with the (rapidly) growing poularity of (computes / private cars) in China, the quallity of our lives has been considerabley changed.
(2) With the (rapid) growth of (our econme / population), many problems such as (water shortages / waste of energy / lack of professionals and chaotic management) are beginng to surface
(3) With the development of (science and technology / market econome), more and more / an increasing number of people come to realize that...
(4) Currently there is a widespread / serious concern over (illegal publication / drug abuse / negative influence of western culture).
(5) Nowadays, a heated debated / discussion about...is under way in China. some people believe that...'whereas others argue that'...
(6) There are some reasons for owning (private cars / persnal computes). To begin with...Next,...Last...There are, on the oher hand, many reasons against it, First...Second!Finally!
(7) There are many advantages and disadvantages in (위 닝 a car).
(8) There are various / at least three ways / posible techniques / problems / methods to do something
(9) 스 모 킹 / Alcoholic beverage should be Banned from college campus for toereasons. The.first reason is that...The second reason is that.../ On the one hand,...On the other hand,...
(10) The posible solutions of (the enery crisis / water shortang es / these social problems) depend on three factors...
(11) The tow major reasons responsible for (the rapid economec growth / the widespread of fake produts) are...
2. 끝 말
(1) It is hoped that we should place much emphosis on / pay more attention to...
(2) To conclude, we can see that (the best way / the posible solution) is...
(3) In short, (shortages of water, decrease of fertile fields and environ ment al pollution) are the major problems to be solved to (increase rain production).
(4) In order to make our World a better palce in which to live we should make great efforts to...
(5) In a word, there are three sugestions we must follow, only in this way can we (achieve a great success).
(6) It is time for us to take an action part in...
(7) Let us work hand in hand in hand to (solve these social problems)
3. 관점, 견해 (view, point, opinion), 원인 (reason, cause), 방법, 수단, 조치, 절차.
(1) 인용문 이 문 제 를 제기 할 때 자주 사용 하 는 문형, 단어:
이유 가 많다. There are many reasons why...
그 이 유 는 다음 과 같다. The reasons why... are as follows
제 생각 에는 My opinon is that 입 니 다.
(2) 단락 논증 을 전개 할 때 자주 사용 하 는 문형, 단어:
①, 1 단계 (우선) First, Firsty, In the first place, First of all, To begin with, For one thing.
저의 첫 번 째 이 유 는... My first reason is that...
주요 요인 은... The main factor is that...
② 2 차 적 (2 차) Second, Secondly, In the Second plce, Next, Then, Foor another,
또 다른 방법 은... Another means of... is to do...
두 번 째 해결 방법 은... the second solution is that...
③ 세 번 째 단계 (세 번 째) Third, athirdly, besides, in adition, furthermore, what is more important
(3) 총괄 적 인 단락 은 흔히 문장 과 단 어 를 사용한다.
마지막 last, lasty, finally, in the last place, last of all, in short, in brief
간단히 말 하면 in a word, in summary, tosum up
한 마디 로 in conclusion, on the whole, altogether, in all
그래서 so, thus, hence,threfor Consequentlyfor thee reasons
결국 in consequence, as a result
이 를 통 해 알 수 있 듯 이... it will be seen from it that
위 와 같이 결론 을 내 릴 수 있 습 니 다... as has been said above, we can conclude / make a conclusion / draw a conclusion / reach a conclusion come to aconclusion that...
(4) 사물 의 찬 반, 좋 고 나 쁨 을 두 가지 측면 에서 비교 하거나 비교 할 때 자주 사용 하 는 문형, 구:
그러나 while, whereas, but, however, nevertheless
그럼 에 도 불구 하고 in spite of that, despite all this
하지만 한편 으로 는 but on the other hand.
... 에 비하 면 in / by in coparison with... / as copare with...
대비 하여 by / in contrast
... 에 반 해 as opposed to... / intead of...
반면에 on the contrry, instead
이들 의 차 이 는 다음 과 같다.
A 와 B 사이 의 차이 점 은... the differences beteen A and B is / lies in / exests in / consists in...; A is different from B in...