누가 영어 작문 을 쓰 는 대표 적 인 문형 어 를 가지 고 있 습 니까? 바로 채점 선생님 의 눈 에 띄 는 그런 문장 과 어구 입 니 다!

누가 영어 작문 을 쓰 는 대표 적 인 문형 어 를 가지 고 있 습 니까? 바로 채점 선생님 의 눈 에 띄 는 그런 문장 과 어구 입 니 다!

작문 접속사 와 문형
1. 열거 와 시 서 를 나타 낸다.
first, second, third...finally, firstly, secondly, thirdly...finally, first of all, next then, lastly, for one thing...for another...at the same time, at first, at last,
to begin / start with, 모스 트 importantly, in the end, eventually 최종
2. 표 대비 와 전환: yet, however, nevertheless, in contrast (to), whereas, in spite of (despite), instead, on the contrrary, even if (though), unlike, on (the) one hand...on the other hand,
3. 표 예: for example / intance, such as, that is, that is to say, in other words, especial y, specifically, in particular. take...for example 나...말하자면
4. 표 결과: as a result / consequence, for this reason, so, therefore,
according to, thus.
시계 진보: and, as well as, then, moreover, furthermore, in addition, addition ally, besides, what 's more not only... but also, meanhile, at the mean time. apart from.
6. 표 요약: in a word, in belief, in short, in all, above all, on the whole, to sum up, in summary, in genel, in conclusion, there it can be seen that...
7. 표 원인: because, because of, owing to, on acount of, thanks to, due to, for, since, as.
8. 자신의 의견: persnally, in my opinion, to my mind, as far as l 'm concerned,
as to me, to tell the truth 솔직히 말 해 to be honest, to my mind
9. 표 요약: in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all
10. 목적 을 표시: for this Purpose, in order to do, so as to do
so that...in order that...
11. 양보 표시: though / although, no matter + 의문문, in spite of
whatever / however / whoever, even if / even though
문형; as is ment ioned 에서 언급 한 바 와 같이 (there is) no 원 더 that
it is quite clear that 분명 with time going by
there is no doupt that 의심의 여지 가 없다 there is no point in doing sth 무슨 일 을 하 든 의미 가 없다
it is well - know n that 다 들 as we all know = as is known
As a popular saying goes, "Every coin has to sides"
as / so far as I know 제 가 알 기 로 는 What is more important is that
There is not denying that 부인 할 수 없습니다.
A is to B what / as C is to D (A 는 B 와 C 는 D 와 같다)
더 리 슨 why... is that + 종속절 썸 people hold the opinion that
Different people have / hold different opinions / views on -
I am convinced that...)
It is important (necessary, difficult, convenient, comforrtable,) for sb. to do sth
Only in this way can we - - It is - that -