문맥 및 이니셜 제시 에 따라 적절 한 단어 로 짧 은 글 을 완성 합 니 다. An Englishman was traveling in러 시 아 원.day, he fhungry and went into arestqurant. Hewto eat "mushroom", but he did not know how to smushroom inRussian. Hetool out a piece of paper and da mushroom on it, When the waiter came to his table, the Englishiman shim thedrawing. Thewaiter nodded his head and went away, A few minutes I, inead of a piate of mushroom, the waiter bthe Englishman umbrella

문맥 및 이니셜 제시 에 따라 적절 한 단어 로 짧 은 글 을 완성 합 니 다. An Englishman was traveling in러 시 아 원.day, he fhungry and went into arestqurant. Hewto eat "mushroom", but he did not know how to smushroom inRussian. Hetool out a piece of paper and da mushroom on it, When the waiter came to his table, the Englishiman shim thedrawing. Thewaiter nodded his head and went away, A few minutes I, inead of a piate of mushroom, the waiter bthe Englishman umbrella

felt, went. spell, drew, showed, later, brought

문맥 과 단어 이니셜 제시 에 따라 짧 은 글 을 완성 합 니 다.
last Monday was a sDay. The.teacher tus to the mby b. We sa lot of interesing thingsthere: the onewpaper in the world, the fanimal,etc. Weha gtime.
위 에 잘못 쳤 어.
정확 한 제목 은:
last Monday was a sDay. The.teacher tus to the mby b. We sa lot of interesing thingsthere: the onewpaper in the world, the l트러블 서, the fanimal,etc. Weha gtime.

last Monday was a [써 니]Day. The.teacher [tool] us to the [museum] by [bus]. We [saw] a lot of interesing thingsthere: the[oldest] newspaper in the world, the [logest] truser, the [fastest] animal,etc. We[had] a [great] time.