Complete the passage with appropriate words according to the context and initials An Englishman was traveling in Russia.One day,he f___ hungry and went into a restqurant.He w_____ to eat "mushrooms",but he did not know how to s_____ mushroom in Russian.He took out a piece of paper and d_____ a mushroom on it,When the waiter came to his table,the Englishiman s____ him the drawing.The waiter nodded his head and went away,A few minutes I_____ ,instead of a piate of mushrooms,the waiter b____ the Englishman an umbrella

Complete the passage with appropriate words according to the context and initials An Englishman was traveling in Russia.One day,he f___ hungry and went into a restqurant.He w_____ to eat "mushrooms",but he did not know how to s_____ mushroom in Russian.He took out a piece of paper and d_____ a mushroom on it,When the waiter came to his table,the Englishiman s____ him the drawing.The waiter nodded his head and went away,A few minutes I_____ ,instead of a piate of mushrooms,the waiter b____ the Englishman an umbrella

felt ,went .spell,drew,showed ,later,brought

Complete the passage according to the context and initials
last Monday was a s_______ day.The teacher t______ us to the m_______ by b____ .We s______ a lot of interesing things there:the o________ newspaper in the world,the f________ animal, etc.We h________ a g____ time.
There's a wrong number on it
The correct title is:
last Monday was a s_______ day.The teacher t______ us to the m_______ by b____ .We s______ a lot of interesing things there:the o________ newspaper in the world,the l_________ trousere,the f________ animal, etc.We h________ a g____ time.

last Monday was a [ sunny ] day.The teacher [ took ] us to the [ museum ] by [ bus ].We [ saw ] a lot of interesing things there:the [ oldest ] newspaper in the world,the [ longest ] trousere,the [ fastest ] animal, etc.We [ had ] a [ great ]time.