영어 단문 을 써 서 네가 좋아 하 는 장 소 를 소개 해라. 왜?

영어 단문 을 써 서 네가 좋아 하 는 장 소 를 소개 해라. 왜?

자신 이 좋아 하 는 곳 을 영어 로 소개 하 는 단어 40 개 이상 ~ 급,

School is the place that I like when i come to the school, the first impression is that how Wonderful the scene is. A lot of strange but familar face i encounter, as you know all those who are my teachers and my classmates or schoolmates just show the irgenerocity and friendmory mory. memy. mory.

영어 쓰기 내용; 동물 소개 (판다)

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동물 소개
거주 지, 식성, 습성 을 모두 영어 로 해 야 한다.

Elephont is the largest animal on Landtoday. Itweights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high whenborn. Whenit is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow anymore. Elephontis usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of itsmouth Usuallymoving in groups and caring foreach other,Elephont is know to be a very and gentlecreamre. Formany years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavylogs. Elephonthas been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that Would normally be impos -ible. Elephontis and will contine to be one of the greatest cretures man has ever come into contactwith. Itssize. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.