영어 번역 David asks the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits. David:Hello,Cindy.What do you like for breakfast? Cindy:I love fruit.I think it’s healthy. David:OK.So what fruit do you like?Do you like bananas? Cindy:Well,I don’t like bananas.But I like oranges and apples. David:What about lunch?Do you like salad? Cindy:Yes,I really like it. David:Hmm ...and do you like hamburgers for dinner? Cindy:Oh,no,they’re not healthy.I like chicken for dinner. David:OK,well,one last question — do you eatice-cream after dinner? Cindy:Err ...I like ice-cream ...but I don’t eat it.I don’t want to be fat.

영어 번역 David asks the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits. David:Hello,Cindy.What do you like for breakfast? Cindy:I love fruit.I think it’s healthy. David:OK.So what fruit do you like?Do you like bananas? Cindy:Well,I don’t like bananas.But I like oranges and apples. David:What about lunch?Do you like salad? Cindy:Yes,I really like it. David:Hmm ...and do you like hamburgers for dinner? Cindy:Oh,no,they’re not healthy.I like chicken for dinner. David:OK,well,one last question — do you eatice-cream after dinner? Cindy:Err ...I like ice-cream ...but I don’t eat it.I don’t want to be fat.

David 는 배구 스타 신 디 스 미스 에 게 식 습관 에 관 한 질문 을 했 습 니 다.David:신 디 씨,아침 식 사 는 무엇 을 좋아 하 세 요?신 디:저 는 과일 을 좋아해요.저 는 과일 이 건강 하 다 고 생각해 요.David:네,그럼 어떤 과일 을 좋아 하 세 요?바나나 좋아해요?신 디:아,싫어 요.그런데 저 는 오렌지 와 사 과 를 좋아해요.