English translation David asks the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits. David:Hello , Cindy.What do you like for breakfast? Cindy:I love fruit.I think it’s healthy. David:OK.So what fruit do you like?Do you like bananas? Cindy:Well ,I don’t like bananas.But I like oranges and apples. David:What about lunch?Do you like salad? Cindy:Yes ,I really like it. David:Hmm ...and do you like hamburgers for dinner? Cindy:Oh ,no,they’re not healthy.I like chicken for dinner. David:OK ,well,one last question — do you eatice-cream after dinner? Cindy:Err ...I like ice-cream ...but I don’t eat it.I don’t want to be fat.

English translation David asks the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits. David:Hello , Cindy.What do you like for breakfast? Cindy:I love fruit.I think it’s healthy. David:OK.So what fruit do you like?Do you like bananas? Cindy:Well ,I don’t like bananas.But I like oranges and apples. David:What about lunch?Do you like salad? Cindy:Yes ,I really like it. David:Hmm ...and do you like hamburgers for dinner? Cindy:Oh ,no,they’re not healthy.I like chicken for dinner. David:OK ,well,one last question — do you eatice-cream after dinner? Cindy:Err ...I like ice-cream ...but I don’t eat it.I don’t want to be fat.

David asked volleyball star Cindy Smith about her eating habits. David: Cindy. What do you like for breakfast? Cindy: I like fruit. I think it's healthy. David: Well, what fruit do you like? Do you like bananas? Cindy: Oh, I don't like it. But I like oranges and apples

Unit 11, 3A content
As long as the content, no other,
Section A

Scott works very long hours .He usually gets up at 17:00.He brushes his teeth and has a shower .Then he eats his breakast .What a funny time to eat breakfast !After breakast he plays his guitar ,then ...

Key knowledge of unit 3

Unit 3 Why do you like koala bears?
1、 Key phrases
eat grass eat leaves be quiet very shy very smart very cute
play with her friends kind of South Africa other animals
at night in the day every day during the day
2、 Communicative language
Why do you like pandas?Because they’re very clever.
Why does he like koalas?Because they’re kind of interesting.
Where are lions from?They are from South Africa.
What other animals do you like?I like dogs, too.Why?Because they’re friendly and clever.
Molly likes to play with her friends and eat grass.
She’s very shy.7.He is from Australia.
8.He sleeps during the day,but at night he gets up and eats leaves.
9.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.
10.Let’s see the pandas first.11.They’re kind of interesting.
12.What other animals do you like?13.Why do you want to see the lions?
3、 Explanation of key and difficult points
1. Koala bears are kind of shy
Kind also means "kind"
For example: all kinds of we have all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school
2. China n. China African n. Africa
China and Africa are proper nouns. They should be capitalized and used with the preposition in
There are many kinds of tigers in China.There are many kinds of scary animals in Africa.
3. Friendly adj
It is the adjective form of the noun friend, often used with the verb be, be friendly
The people in Chengdu are very friendly.
4. With prep in harness
I usually play chess with my father.
And is usually used to connect the subject or object,
If there is I, I is usually placed after and
My father and I usually play chess together.
Play with "and Play together
I often play with my pet dog.Don ’t play with water!
5. Day and night are antonyms. Day means day or day, and night means night or night
In the day, during the day, at night
Koala bears often sleep during the day and eat leaves at night.
6. Leaf n
The plural is: leaves, and similar changes are: life lives, wolf lives,
Knife knives, scale --- scales (scales), etc
7. An hour is usually preceded by an article an, which means an hour
There are 24 hours in a day and 60minutes in an hour.
8. Be from be from = come from
Pandas are from China.= Pandas come form China.
9. Meat n. (edible) meat is an uncountable noun. When it means "many", use "many" to modify, that is: many eat he eats many eat every day
10. Grass n. grass is an uncountable noun. When it means "many", it is modified by "many grass"
There is much grass on the playground.
4、 Knowledge of grammar
Special questions usually begin with "what", "who", "which", "when", "where", "how", "how old" and "how many" to ask a specific question
This is the most common case
What’s your grandfather’s telephone number?
What's your grandfather's phone number?
Who is that boy with big eyes?
Who is the boy with big eyes?
Which season do you like best?
Which season do you like best?
When is he going to play the piano?
When does he play the piano?
Where does he live?
Where does he live?
How are you?
How old are you?
How old are you?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
How many sisters and brothers do you have?
2. Interrogative + declarative structure. In this case, the interrogative acts as the subject or modifies the subject
Who is on duty today?
Who is on duty today?
Which man is your teacher?
Which man is your teacher?
What / how about + noun / Pronoun + other? Is also a special question, which is an ellipsis structure
For example:
I like English.What/How about you?
I like English. How about you?
What about playing basketball?
How about playing basketball?

Oral arithmetic in grade two of primary school
Give me the answer

0÷6+23= 35+0×1= 9×9-25= 12÷2×6=
69-4×0= 79+6+23= 5×8-6= 94+5÷1=
36-8-17= 22+0×3= 7×9-1= 5+12÷3=
44+32-2= 18÷2×3= 1×2+29= 80+0×6=
78+28÷4= 33+19+42= 49÷7×7= 13-12÷6=
58+6×3= 137-8×6= 47+14÷2= 0×5+58=
16-6-2= 9×1×1= 61-50-7= 8×27÷9=
59+82-0= 16÷2×4= 62+80-79= 14÷7×9=
76-39-10= 65-40-2= 8×7÷1= 48÷8-3=
35-4×0= 4×1+15= 71+7×7= 5-36÷9=
8÷8+13= 60+71+65= 99-8+81= 46-24-7=
97+19+88= 39-32-3= 4×5×2= 51-6-10=
60-11-40= 79-9×8= 40÷5+82= 2÷1×6=
76+92-40= 9×8×4= 77+79+57= 8+40+18=
96-16÷8= 648÷9÷9= 92-24+67= 4×6×1=
0×14÷2= 90+18÷3= 21÷7-0= 28÷4×4=
75+7×2= 53-17+46= 96+31-97= 2+81-62=
97-0×8= 36÷6-1= 101-2×5= 7×1×9=
1×1+99= 92+80-10= 10-2÷2= 51-39-5=
1÷1+52= 87+8×1= 8÷8+16= 28÷7-2=
30÷5+58= 52+6×0= 62+86+70= 30÷10+65=
Second grade mental arithmetic
Minutes and seconds
7+20+7= 10÷2+63= 30÷10+21= 48-43-0=
18+35+94= 60÷10-0= 10+40-9= 10÷2+60=
22-3×7= 42+73+38= 96-5×8= 12-3×2=
5×4+47= 58-30+65= 38-11-6= 1×80÷8=
40÷4-3= 4×8-16= 40+42-31= 30÷10+79=
84-63+0= 28+7×7= 24-13+38= 84+16+5=
7×5-9= 10-14÷2= 7×5×8= 0×1+71=
35+0×6= 109-40÷4= 2+95+79= 92+7-97=
61-3×6= 14+51-4= 3×70÷10= 49÷7+52=
4×0+50= 8÷8-0= 9×8+61= 54-6×8=
72÷8×0= 35+9×3= 70÷10×7= 9×1+0=
24÷4-4= 97-89+33= 72÷8÷3= 3÷3×5=
28+5×1= 9×8+68= 35+21+23= 84+60÷10=
13+40+87= 30÷3+42= 42-4÷1= 83-13-3=
46-3+20= 89+12÷2= 3×6-5= 27-3×2=
40÷10-1= 81-5×2= 69+12+46= 3×4-9=
78-20+63= 30÷6+26= 22+71+26= 9×0×7=
69+69+74= 120÷3÷8= 65+7×3= 1×6×6=
57-33+45= 64÷8-0= 6×6×0= 40+2×3=
23+82+92= 76+21÷3= 4+8×6= 43+30÷10=
71-7÷1= 50÷5+72= 57+78+16= 94+7×5=
8÷1+77= 91-12+34= 78+8×7= 40÷8-4=
42÷6-2= 65-1+25= 2×5×3= 64+66+3=
180÷10÷3= 98+32+44= 30÷10×9= 33+2×4=
8÷8-0= 87-42+75= 80+50-1= 89-1-31=
5×3+13= 2×5×7= 6÷6×0= 51+69-94=
Second grade mental arithmetic
Minutes and seconds
93-9+46= 70+2+3= 73-38-31= 2×2×2=
86-73+62= 52+1×4= 41-3×4= 92+49+82=
90-8×1= 95+13+50= 34+40÷4= 1×0+52=
53+90÷9= 2×8×3= 79+5×2= 2×9×2=
0×30÷5= 7×0-0= 23+53+34= 7×9+28=
60÷10×4= 73-62-7= 4×4-11= 91+97-69=
6-4÷2= 7×0+34= 61-20+57= 1×7+16=
1×27÷3= 87-6×1= 96+59+16= 16÷8-1=
85-9×9= 7×4-7= 67-53+6= 98+25+32=
55-42+78= 5×30÷3= 18-1×5= 41+2×4=
8×2+52= 5×63÷9= 1×1-0= 9×0×8=
4×2-0= 80÷8÷1= 0×2×9= 5÷5+34=
66+6×7= 63+91+20= 21-3+6= 24+20÷5=
9×1×4= 8×2×7= 60÷4÷5= 65+6÷3=
120÷5÷6= 0×3×0= 70÷10×9= 54-46-2=
180÷10÷3= 98+32+44= 30÷10×9= 33+2×4=
8÷8-0= 87-42+75= 80+50-1= 89-1-31=
53+60-85= 90+41+2= 40-10+11= 8+99+31=
70÷7÷10= 67-4-56= 58+20÷4= 27÷3÷3=
60+93+42= 105÷7÷3= 63-2×4= 12÷6-1=
58-3÷3= 6÷3+39= 91+12÷4= 80-36÷9=
70-3+13= 53-37-4= 74+31-16= 6×8+3=
47-11-21= 75+5×3= 6×4+61= 40÷4-5=
432÷8÷9= 74-8×7= 80÷10-4=