As shown in the figure, the vertex e of the square aefg is on the edge CD of the square ABCD; the extension of ad intersects EF at the H point. (1) try to explain: △ AED ∽ EHD; (2) if e is the midpoint of CD, find the value of hdha

As shown in the figure, the vertex e of the square aefg is on the edge CD of the square ABCD; the extension of ad intersects EF at the H point. (1) try to explain: △ AED ∽ EHD; (2) if e is the midpoint of CD, find the value of hdha

(1) ∵ quadrilateral ABCD is a square, ∵ ad = DC, ∵ ade = ∵ HDE = 90 °, ∵ quadrilateral aefg is a square, ∵ AEH = 90 °, ∵ DAE + ∵ AED = 90 °, ∵ AED + ∵ DEH = 90 °, ∵ DAE = ∵ DEH, ∵ ade = ∵ HDE = 90 °, ∵ AED ∵ EHD; (2) ∵ AED ∵ EHD, ∵ hdde = dead, ∵ e is the midpoint of CD, ∵ DC = 2DE, ∵ ad = 2DE, ∵ hdde = 12, ∵ hdha = HDAd + DH =HD2DE+DH=HD4DH+DH=15.