The image with positive scale function y = KX (K ≠ 0) is processed by___ It's a straight line The image of a linear function y = KX + B (K ≠ 0) is a point (0___ ),(____ , 0)_____ .

The image with positive scale function y = KX (K ≠ 0) is processed by___ It's a straight line The image of a linear function y = KX + B (K ≠ 0) is a point (0___ ),(____ , 0)_____ .

The image with positive scale function y = KX (K ≠ 0) is a straight line passing through the origin
The image of linear function y = KX + B (K ≠ 0) is a "straight line" passing through point (0, b), (- B / K, 0)