If point P is on hyperbola & nbsp; x216 & nbsp; − y212 & nbsp; = 1 and its abscissa is the same as that of the right focus of hyperbola, then the distance between point P and the left focus of hyperbola is______ .

If point P is on hyperbola & nbsp; x216 & nbsp; − y212 & nbsp; = 1 and its abscissa is the same as that of the right focus of hyperbola, then the distance between point P and the left focus of hyperbola is______ .

The right focus coordinate of hyperbola & nbsp; x216 & nbsp; − y212 & nbsp; = 1 is (27,0). If the abscissa of point P is the same as the abscissa of the right focus of hyperbola, the coordinate of P can be set as (27, y). Substituting x216 & nbsp; − y212 & nbsp; = 1, the solution is y = ± 3, that is, if the distance between P and the right focus of hyperbola is | y | = 3, then the distance between point P and the left focus of hyperbola is 3 + 2A = 3 + 8 = 11, so the answer is: 11