If you increase the speed by 20%, you can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If you drive at the original speed of 100 km, you will be able to get there, How many kilometers are there between a and B?

If you increase the speed by 20%, you can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If you drive at the original speed of 100 km, you will be able to get there, How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Details are as follows:
Suppose that the original speed is V, the original time is h, the distance between a and B is h * V unchanged, the increased speed is v * (1 + 20%), and the time after increasing the speed is H-1, then h * V = (h-1) * V * (1 + 20%) is h = 6I hours
After driving at the original speed of 100 km, the required time is 100 / v. because the speed is increased by 25%, it can arrive one hour earlier. After the speed is increased, the required time is (H-100 / V-1). Since the distance between a and B is constant, h * V = 100 + (H-100 / V-1) * (1 + 25%) * V replaces H = 6 with v = 100 km / h,
Then the distance between a and B is h * V = 100 * 6 = 600 km