When drawing the small signal equivalent circuit of amplifying circuit, the DC power supply in the circuit is often short circuited, that is, the positive end of DC power supply VCC is regarded as DC positive potential and AC negative potential How to understand this? In addition, why the sine wave signal generator with continuous frequency variation is often selected as the experimental and test signal source of amplification circuit

When drawing the small signal equivalent circuit of amplifying circuit, the DC power supply in the circuit is often short circuited, that is, the positive end of DC power supply VCC is regarded as DC positive potential and AC negative potential How to understand this? In addition, why the sine wave signal generator with continuous frequency variation is often selected as the experimental and test signal source of amplification circuit

The internal resistance of ideal DC power supply is 0 ohm, which can be regarded as short circuit to ground for AC signal
Sine wave whose frequency changes continuously is called sweep signal. It is mainly used to test the frequency characteristics of amplifier circuit, that is, amplitude frequency characteristics and phase frequency characteristics, which are the main indexes of amplifier circuit