The concept of vector?

The concept of vector?

The definition of vector quantity and scalar quantity is simple. The definition of vector and scalar quantity are as follows: (I will study them in detail in College Physics) (1) definition or explanation: some physical quantities need both numerical value (including relevant units) and direction to be completely determined. The operation between these quantities does not follow the general algebraic rules, Some physical quantities only have numerical values (including relevant units), The operations between these quantities follow general algebraic rules. Such quantities are called physical scalars. (2) notes: ① the operations between vectors should follow special rules. Generally, parallelogram rule can be used in vector addition. From parallelogram rule, it can be extended to triangle rule, polygon rule or orthogonal decomposition method. Vector subtraction is the inverse operation of vector addition, Subtracting another vector from a vector is equal to adding the negative vector of that vector. A-B = a + (- b). Multiplication of vectors. The product of vectors and scalars is still a vector. The product of vectors and vectors can form a new scalar. Such a product between vectors is called scalar product. It can also form a new vector. Such a product between vectors is called vector product. For example, in physics, Work and power are calculated by the scalar product of two vectors. W = F.S, P = f.v. in physics, torque and Lorentz force are calculated by the vector product of two vectors. M = R × F, f = QV × B, So vector is a useful tool for learning physics. "(3) there are two kinds of vectors, one is the physical quantity with only size and direction, such as velocity, which is called" odd vector "; the other is not only the physical quantity with size and direction, but also a quantity of time required for the interaction between vectors to produce effects, such as force, We call them "even vectors" or "limit (immediate, upper bound) vectors" because the time required for them to interact between vectors to produce effects is instantaneous and light speed
In the computer, the vector graph can be enlarged infinitely and never deformed
Vector image
Vector image, also known as object-oriented image or drawing image, is mathematically defined as a series of vectors
The graphic elements in vector files are called objects. Each object is a self-contained entity with attributes such as color, shape, outline, size and screen position. Since each object is a self-contained entity, its attributes can be moved and changed many times while maintaining its original clarity and curvature, These features make vector based programs particularly suitable for legend and 3D modeling because they usually require the ability to create and manipulate individual objects. Vector based drawing is resolution independent. This means that they can be displayed on the output device at the highest resolution