The set M = {m} composed of the first 2n positive integers belongs to n | 1

The set M = {m} composed of the first 2n positive integers belongs to n | 1

By subtracting the other numbers from the largest number in a (set as b), we get n differences, which are not equal to each other and belong to M
A itself has n + 1 elements, and M has 2n, so the difference obtained above must fall in A. let C ∈ a such that B-C ∈ a
If B-C = C, then A1 = B, A2 = C, A1 = 2 * A2
If B-C ≠ C, then A1 = C, A2 = b-c. there is A1 ≠ A2 and a1 + A2 = B ∈ a