For a three digit number, a hundred digit number is a, a ten digit number is B, and a single digit number is C, and a > C, exchange the position of a hundred digit number and a single digit number to get a new three digit number, please explain: The difference between the original three digits and the new three digits must be a multiple of 99

For a three digit number, a hundred digit number is a, a ten digit number is B, and a single digit number is C, and a > C, exchange the position of a hundred digit number and a single digit number to get a new three digit number, please explain: The difference between the original three digits and the new three digits must be a multiple of 99

∵ a-c is an integer greater than 0
That 99 (A-C) is a multiple of 99
The difference between the original three digits and the new three digits must be a multiple of 99