What is the derivative of the cubic root of x2 Find the derivative of the third root of the square root of X, Help me with another topic+_- Find the detailed solution of tangent equation and normal equation at the point (1,1) on the cubic root of curve y = x!

What is the derivative of the cubic root of x2 Find the derivative of the third root of the square root of X, Help me with another topic+_- Find the detailed solution of tangent equation and normal equation at the point (1,1) on the cubic root of curve y = x!

According to the formula y = x ^ A, y '= ax ^ (A-1)
When x = 1, y '= 2 / 3 = k - 1 / k = - 3 / 2
Tangent equation: (Y-1) = 2 / 3 (x-1)
Normal equation: (Y-1) = - 3 / 2 (x-1)