1. In the triangle ABC, if Sina - the absolute value of half + (the root of two-thirds 3-cosb) &# 178; = 0, find the angle C 2. In the triangle ABC, if Sina - the absolute value of 2 / 2 radical 3 + (3 / 3 radical 3-tanb) &# 178; = 0, find the angle C Angle A and angle B are acute angles

1. In the triangle ABC, if Sina - the absolute value of half + (the root of two-thirds 3-cosb) &# 178; = 0, find the angle C 2. In the triangle ABC, if Sina - the absolute value of 2 / 2 radical 3 + (3 / 3 radical 3-tanb) &# 178; = 0, find the angle C Angle A and angle B are acute angles

L & nbsp; sina-1 / 2 & nbsp; L + (2 / 2 radical 3-cosb) & # 178; = 0,
&Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; sina-1 / 2 = 0, and the root of two is 3-cosb = 0
&Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Sina = 1 / 2 and CoSb = 2 / 3, and ab is an acute angle
        A=30° B=30°
&Nbsp; L & nbsp; sina-2 / 2 radical 3 & nbsp; L + (3 / 3 radical 3-tanb) & # 178; = 0,
Sina-two-thirds radical 3 = 0 and three-thirds radical 3-tanb = 0
Sina = 2 / 3 root sign 3 and tanb = 3 / 3 root sign 3, and ab is an acute angle
A=60° B=30°