Find the plane equation passing through point (2, - 1,4) and parallel to two vectors a = {- 3,4, - 6} and B = {- 2,3, - 1}

Find the plane equation passing through point (2, - 1,4) and parallel to two vectors a = {- 3,4, - 6} and B = {- 2,3, - 1}

To provide you with accurate answers
We can see that the normal vector of this plane is the cross product of two vectors. Let C be the normal vector
C = vector a × vector b=
| i j k|
|-3 4 -6|
|-2 3 -1|
According to the point method equation of the plane, it is obtained that:
The plane equation is: 14 (X-2) + 9 (y + 1) - (Z-4) = 0
That is, 14x + 9y-z-13 = 0
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