Find the general solution of the first order differential equation: (2x-y ^ 2) dy YDX = 0, which is the square of Y in brackets

Find the general solution of the first order differential equation: (2x-y ^ 2) dy YDX = 0, which is the square of Y in brackets

(2x-y & # 178;) dy = ydxdx / dy = 2x / Y-Y, where x is the dependent variable and Y is the independent variable, then DX / dy-2x / y = - y corresponds to the homogeneous equation DX / dy-2x / y = 0, and the general solution is x = CY & # 178; let x = C (y) y & # 178; be the general solution of the original equation, then c '(y) = - 1 / YC (y) = - LNY + C, and the general solution of the original equation is x = (c-lny) y & # 178