To find the special solution of the differential equation y '' = e ^ (2Y) when x = 0, y = y '= 0; to write down the additional points of the steps

To find the special solution of the differential equation y '' = e ^ (2Y) when x = 0, y = y '= 0; to write down the additional points of the steps

As follows:
There is no X-type
Let y '= P, Y "= PDP / dy
The original differential equation is
That is, PDP = e ^ (2Y) dy
Two side integral
We obtain P & sup2; = e ^ (2Y) + C '
Under the initial conditions x = 0, y = y '= 0, C' = - 1 is obtained
Separate variables
Make up the differential
Two sides integral
The initial conditions are x = 0, y = y '= 0
So C "= π / 2
So the special solution of the differential equation is
Or sin (± x + π / 2) = e ^ (- y); cosx = e ^ (- y)