Let a = (11 111), (a total of N 1), find all N, so that a is prime

Let a = (11 111), (a total of N 1), find all N, so that a is prime

Only when n = 2, a = 11 is prime, and the others when n > 2 should be composite
When n is a composite number, a must be a composite number, which is easy to prove
When n is prime, except 2
N = 3, a has three 1s, which must be multiples of 3
N2 = 11 -- Prime
N5 = 11111 = 41*271
N7 = 1111111 = 239*4649
N11 = 11111111111 = 21649*513239
N13 = 1111111111111 = 53*79*265371653
N17 = 11111111111111111 = 2071723*5363222357
Whether there are infinite primes in the sequence of 1111,. 1.11111 is still a conjecture